Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Who are you?

Pertanyaan siapa kamu (Who are you?) terdengar mudah tetapi sulit untuk dijawab. Berikut kita akan coba tunjukkan bagaimana cara 4 orang menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

1. I am a philosopher. I do not know why I am here but I am trying to find the answer. I read and think and talk to people. I work as a quality control engineer in a big plastic factory. It is quite an interesting job because I work with a lot of different people and I have to solve technical problems on the computer. My work is not everything however. I work to live but I do not live to work. Who am I? I am a human being? What does that mean? I am not sure yet. I am learning. Where will I end up? I don’t know. I don’t know where I will I end up. I don’t know what will happen in the future. Life is always changing.
2. I am a cashier in a supermarket. I don’t like my job very much because sometimes it is a little boring but it pays the bills. I live with my family. My family is very important to me. Religion is important to me. When I am confused I pray and I try to listen to god. I can hear the voice of god in my heart.
3. I am a mother. I take care of my children. We are god’s children. God takes care of us. Sometimes we do not know it. Sometimes we do not notice it. Sometimes we are not aware. Just as our children lose themselves in their play, we lose ourselves in our lives and we forget that god is looking after us. Who are we? We are the children of the universe.
4. Who am I? I am an artist. My art is my life. I live my life try to achieve my full potential as a human being. I use my art to express my soul and to say what it is that I have to say. What do I have to say? I can not put that into words. I prefer to say it with pictures. I am a painter. A picture is worth a thousand words. No! It is more than that. A picture is worth a million words. If I did not paint, I would not exist. For me painting is everything. Life is like a huge painting. Who am I? I am one of the painters who lives inside this huge canvas.

Can you answer the question based on your own condition?
Please give it a try.
See you tomorrow.
Good Luck.

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