Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Friend's letter

A note from Bali Analyst Gathering

It's already 24 hours from  Bali. Semarang is the next transit city for us. We travel from Bali to Semarang, Cirebon and Bandung. We left Bali in such a beautiful, surprising, shocking  and exciting way.
Askari (A23) picked me up in Cirebon in the middle of the night, at 1 am, on Thursday 18th. I thought, there would be some friends with him in the car. But he was alone. I guided him to my residential and then I and my daughter joined him in the car after asking permission from my beloved wife. Then we were heading to Semarang.
We chat along the way. I told my story when I was still in SMAKMA. I told about a girl, his classmate. Her name is beautiful, the Shine of a Continental.
I used to fall in L with her. But for I was still young and rigid, it was so hard for me to tell what I felt to her. At last I decided that I, as a man, should be brave. But still I was not brave enough. So I asked my friend, Faizal, to write a letter for her. He did what I asked. Shortly, the letter was given to her.
What a fate! She rejected me. (Don't cry for me, Argentina ... .) 
She said in her reply, "Sorry, bro. I cannot date. I am still a student. I just want to study."
I was still young. What else I can do. So, that's it.  I just gave up. So easily!!!
Then I knew from Askari, that her letter was actually made by her friends, too.
Friend's letter was replied by friend's letter, too. OMG.

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